KOFLERMEDIA kontrahiert ausschließlich zu den nachfolgend hier angeführten Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen, nachstehend als „AGB“ bezeichnet.
1.) Im Verkauf gelten die allgemein handelsüblichen Bedingungen des Fachverbandes für Elektrohandel, Elektronikindustrie (Gewährleistung, Garantie, Rückgaberecht, Lieferung, usw.) in der aktuell gültigen Fassung. Diese sind unter http://www.feei.at abzurufen.
2.) Zur Leistung von koflermedia gehört unter anderem die Vermietung von Licht- und Tonanlagen, der Auf- und Abbau, die Installation und Transport der Anlagen. Die AGBs im Verleih werden ab §2 abwärts detailliert angeführt
Angebote und Auftrag
1.) Die Angebote von koflermedia sind – wenn nicht anders angegeben – ab Ausstellungsdatum 14 Tage lang gültig.
2.) Ohne Zustimmung dürfen keine Angebote oder Unterlagen von koflermedia vervielfältigt oder an Dritte weitergegeben oder zugänglich gemacht werden.
3.) Wenn ein Auftrag zustande kommt, so ist dieser spätestens 21 Tage vor Veranstaltungsbeginn unter Bezugnahme auf die AGB von koflermedia postalisch oder als signiertes PDF-File via E-Mail zu bestätigen.
1.) Sobald der Auftrag lt. §2, Absatz 3 einlangt, gilt der Vertrag als geschlossen.
2.) Die Angaben auf der Website von koflermedia, Prospekten oder Katalogen sowie sonstige mündliche oder schriftliche Äußerungen sind nur dann maßgeblich, wenn auf sie ausdrücklich in der Auftragsbestätigung Bezug genommen wird.
3.) Spätere Ergänzungen oder Änderungen des Vertrages bedürfen zu ihrer Gültigkeit der schriftlichen Bestätigung.
4.) Das von koflermedia im Verleih zu Verfügung gestellt Material bzw. die Geräte sowie das Zubehör, die Cases, bleiben im Eigentum von koflermedia. Das Weitervermieten an Dritte sowie das Vornehmen von Änderung an den Geräten ist ohne ausdrückliche Genehmigung nicht gestattet.
Abholung und Lieferung
1.) Bei der Abholung oder Lieferung des Equipments, muss der Kunde selbst anwesend sein oder er stellt eine Person als Abholer bzw. Empfänger der Lieferung.
2.) Bei erstmaligen Verleih ist ein amtlicher Lichtbildausweis (Führerschein, Personalausweis oder Reisepass) sowie eine Bankomat- oder Kreditkarte mitzubringen.
3.) Das vollendete 18. Lebensjahr ist Voraussetzung!
1.) Der Kunde hat dafür Sorge zu tragen, dass das komplette Equipment von koflermedia gegen Witterungseinflüsse geschützt ist. Im Falle von Schäden, sind diese vom Kunden zu tragen.
2.) Stative für Boxen und Lichtanlagen dürfen nicht im Publikumsbereich bzw. Tanzfläche montiert werden (Unfallgefahr!!!) Weiteres müssen alle Kabeln und Anschlüsse sorgfältig verkabelt, verbaut und abgeklebt werden um weitere Gefahrenquellen auszuschließen. Der Veranstalter bzw. der Kunde haftet im Schadensfall.
3.) Der Kunde muss das komplette Equipment von koflermedia ausreichend Sichern. Die Nutzung, das Risiko und die Gefahr gehen ab der Abholung bzw. Übernahme der Lieferung oder nach der Abnahme der Montage, auf den Kunden über.
4.) Der Kunde übernimmt ab der Abholung bzw. Lieferung oder nach der Montage am Veranstaltungsort die volle Verantwortung des ausgeliehenen Materials von koflermedia. Somit verpflichtet sich der Kunde, das Material vor der Inbetriebnahme vor Publikum bzw. bei Abholung alles auf Funktionalität zu testen. Spätere Reklamationen oder Forderungen jeglicher Art gegenüber koflermedia sind daher nicht möglich!
1.) Die Preise gelten ab Lager von koflermedia inkl.der gesetzlichen Umsatzsteuer und verstehen sich als Abholpreise in Wien.
2.) Ist eine Lieferung mit Zustellung sowie der Auf- und Abbau des Equipments vereinbart, so sind die zusätzlichen Kosten laut unserer Tarife zu entrichten. Diese finden Sie auf unserer Website unter dem Punkt „Lieferkosten | Personal“.
1.) Das Mietentgelt für das Equipment von koflermedia ist im vorhinein bei Abholung der Mietgegenstände zu entrichten.
2.) Sollte das bereitgestellte Equipment einen Warenwert von über 500 EUR erreichen, ist koflermedia berechtigt, eine Kaution in der Höhe von mind. 50% einzuheben, bis zur Rückgabe des Materials.
3.) Zahlungsmöglichkeiten: Barzahlung, Überweisung, Kreditkarten (Mastercard oder Visa) oder Paypal. Weitere Zahlungsmöglichkeiten sind nur persönlich mit Phillip Kofler, Inh. koflermedia zu vereinbaren und müssen schriftlich bestätigt sein.
4.) Im Falle, dass das bereitgestellte Equipment von koflermedia nicht zurückgebracht oder gestohlen wird, verpfändet der Kunde seine zukünftigen ihm zustehenden Ansprüche auf Lohn- und Gehaltsbezüge gegen seinen jeweiligen Arbeitgeber, bis der ausständige Warenwert des entstandenen Schadens abgedeckt ist.
5.) Sollte es zu einem Ausfall einzelner vermieteter Geräte von koflermedia kommen, die aufgrund von Fremdeinwirkung oder anderen äußeren Einflüssen beschädigt werden oder nicht mehr funktionieren, werden diese bei der Rechnungslegung nicht abgezogen.
1.) Wir gewähren je nach Kunde ein Zahlungsziel zwischen 0 und 10 Werktagen. Wird die Wahre bis dahin nicht gezahlt, fallen Zinsen in der Höhe von 8% p.A. an, beginnend mit Ablauf der Zahlungsfrist.
2.) Weiters ergeben sich zusätzliche Kosten aufgrund der Mahnschreiben:
– 1. Mahnung: 10 EUR
– 2. u. letzte Mahnung: 20 EUR
3.) Bei einem Zahlungsverzug von mehr als 21 Tagen (ab Rechnungsdatum), verlieren alle gegebenen Rabatte und Sonderkonditionen ihre Gültigkeit. Darauf weißen wir außdrücklich nochmals hin. Als Grundlage wird dann unser Normalpreis eingefordert.
Entfalls der Sonderkonditionen bei Zahlungsverzug! Bei angemieteten Gängenständen wird nach 21 Tagen Zahlungsverzug (ab Rechnungsdatum) der jeweilige Tagesmietpreis (Preise ausgeschildert auf www.koflermedia.at) für den Zeitraum der Mietdauer fällig.
4.) Gerichtsgebühren und Kosten für Arbeitsaufwand
Neben den Gerichtsgebühren, die Sie im Falle einer Klage zu tragen haben, verrechnen wir zusätzlich 50 EUR für unseren Arbeitsaufwand.
1.) Bei Rücktritt des Vertrages, aus welchen Gründen auch immer, verrechnen wir die nachstehenden Stornogebühren des Materials von koflermedia:
– 1a.) Bei Stornierung 7 Tage vor Veranstaltung oder kürzer: 100% des Betrages
– 1b.) Bei Stornierung 14 Tage vor Veranstaltung oder kürzer: 50% des Betrages
– 1c.) Bei Stornierung bis 15 Tag vor Veranstaltung, fallen keine Stornogebühren an.
1.) Der Kunde ist für alle Schäden am zur Verfügung gestellten Material bzw. den Geräten verantwortlich, die durch Mitarbeiter von koflermedia nach Abholung bzw. Lieferung und Montage überlassen werden sowie durch Inbetriebnahme durch das Personal des Kunden, durch Dritte, Witterung, Feuer, Diebstahl, Vandalismus sowie an Schäden, die außerhalb der vereinbarten Betriebszeiten entstehen.
2.) Im Schadensfall werden dem Kunden die Anfallenden Aufwandskosten sowie die Reparaturkosten oder die die Kosten für die Neuanschaffung des Materials / Gerätes weiterverrechnet.
3.) Der Kunde übernimmt ab der Selbstabholung bzw. Lieferung oder nach der Montage am Veranstaltungsort die volle Verantwortung des ausgeliehenen Materials von koflermedia.
Somit verpflichtet sich der Kunde, das Material vor der Inbetriebnahme vor Publikum bzw. bei Abholung alles auf Funktionalität zu testen. Ab der Übergabe bzw. Abnahme der Geräte erklärt der Kunde, alles in ordnungsgemäßen Zustand und ohne Mängel übernommen zu haben. Spätere Reklamationen oder Forderungen jeglicher Art gegenüber koflermedia sind daher nicht möglich!
4.) Für Schäden des zu Verfügung gestellten Materials, das für die Veranstaltung benötigt wird, die während des Transportes entstehen, trägt alleine der Kunde, außer es liegt ein Eigenverschulden des Personals von koflermedia vor.
6.) Für Schäden die durch den Einsatz von Konfettis oder Luftschlangen entstehen, ist koflermedia, Phillip Kofler nicht verantwortlich. Wir weißen darauf hin, dass Konfettis abfärben können, vor allem bei Einsatz von Wasser oder Alkohol. Unsere Konfettis sind außerdem nicht wasserlöslich und können zu Verunreinigung und Verstopfung führen. Außerdem ist auf die Umwelt zu achten! Die Konfettis sind alle mit Brandschutz-chemikalien behandelt. Sie sind NICHT zum verzehr geeignet. MAGICFX mit Sitz in Holland ist der Hersteller der Produkte und im Schadensfall für diese auch verantwortlich.
7.) Der Kunde ist verpflichtet, die Geräte sorgfältig zu behandeln und haftet für Schäden. Es können keine Schadensersatzansprüche gegenüber koflermedia geltend gemacht werden, die nicht aus eigenem Verschulden des Personals von koflermedia verursacht worden sind.
8.) koflermedia bzw. Phillip Kofler persönlich ist von allen Forderungen, sowie Forderungen gegenüber Dritter, auch aus Schadenersatz oder Urheberecht, die mit der Veranstaltung entstehen können, schad- und klaglos zu halten.
9.) koflermedida stellt geprüftes gebrauchtes Material zur Verfügung, die bei Abholung sowie Lieferung und Montage dem Kunden voll funktionsfähig überlassen werden. Bei Schäden, die während der Vertragszeit nach Übergabe an den Kunden bzw. während der Veranstaltung entstehen, besteht keine Haftung von koflermedia. Eine Haftung, Vermögensschäden, entgangenem Gewinn und Schäden aus Ansprüchen Dritter ist, sofern gesetzlich zulässig, ist ausgeschlossen. Sollte es zu einer berechtigen Mängelrüge kommen, hat der Kunde eine angemessene Frist zur Nachbesserung zu setzen.
Sonstige wichtige Infos
§11 Sonstiges
1.) Der Kunde muss über alle Rechte und Genehmigungen verfügen, die für den Abschluss eines Vertrages sowie die Genehmigung einer Veranstaltung notwendig sind.
2.) Der Kunde verpflichtet sich im Falle von vermittelten Musikbands, oder DJs alle notwendigen Steuern sowie die AKM-Abgabe zu entrichten.
3.) Ohne Zustimmung darf der Kunde keine Angebote oder Unterlagen von der koflermedia weitergeben oder vervielfältigen sowie Rechte und Pflichten zur Gänze oder teilweise an Dritte abzutreten. Im Falle einer Zustimmung seitens koflermedia, haftet der Kunde natürlich neben dem Dritten für die Einhaltung der Verpflichtungen gegenüber koflermedia.
4.) Mündliche Nebenabreden sind nicht vorgesehen laut den AGB von koflermedia. Spätere Ergänzungen oder Änderungen des Vertrages bedürfen zu ihrer Gültigkeit der schriftlichen Bestätigung.
5.) Beim Kauf von MAGICFX Produkten akzeptieren die AGB’s (Terms and conditions) von MAGICFX, die weiter unten in englisch angeführt sind. Weiters stimmen Sie zu, dass sie diese gelesen und auch verstanden haben.
6.) Gerichtsstand Wien
7.) Weitere wichtige Produktinformationen:
– Zielen und schießen Sie niemals in Richtung auf Personen,Tiere oder auch Stromleitungen
– Halten Sie immer einen Mindestabstand von mind. 5 Meter zum Publikum.
– Konfettis / Luftschlangen können – vor allem bei Nässe und Alkohol – abfärben.
– Es handelt sich um kein Feuerwerk oder pyrotechnischen Artikel
– Bei Zimmertemperatur und im Schatten lagernd, vor Hitze Schützen.
– Schießen Sie nicht in oder in der Nähe von Stromleitungen!!!
Stand AGBs: April 2016
Terms and conditions
General Terms and Conditions of Sale of Magic FX B.V., with its registered office at (5281 RE) Boxtel on Schouwrooij 27, (CoC number 17178664).
Article 1 – Applicability
1.1 In these General Terms and Conditions „Magic FX“ shall refer to Magic FX B.V. and all (legal) entities and companies affiliated with it, and Buyer shall refer to the (legal) entities and companies to which an offer has been presented and/or with which an agreement has been or will be established.
1.2 The General Terms and Conditions shall apply to all recommendations by, offers of, orders for and agreements with Magic FX. The specific modules in these General Terms and Conditions shall apply in addition to the ‚General Provisions‘ module. If some part of the ‚General Provisions‘ module is in conflict with or incompatible with specific modules, the respective specific module shall prevail. Only deviations from these General Terms and Conditions accepted by Magic FX in writing shall be valid. The applicability of any general terms and conditions of Buyer shall be explicitly excluded.
1.3 The nullity or annulment of one or more provisions of these General Terms and Conditions shall not prevent the applicability of the remaining provisions of these General Terms and Conditions. Magic FX and Buyer shall take steps to replace any void or annulled provisions of these General Terms and Conditions with provisions that are in line with the purpose and scope of the void or annulled provisions.
Article 2 – Offer and agreement
2.1 Any offer presented by Magic FX shall be non-binding and may be revoked, withdrawn or amended by Magic FX within 7 calendar days after Magic FX has been informed of the acceptance of its offer. Errors or omissions occurring in offers (whether they are caused by incorrect and/or incomplete data supplied by Buyer or not), rules or recommendations provided by Magic FX within the framework of an offer, calculations, estimates, budgets and – general – information not intended exclusively for Buyer shall not be binding on Magic FX.
2.2 If Magic FX presents an offer, an agreement between Magic FX and Buyer shall be established only with the unconditional acceptance of the offer of Magic FX by Buyer or the execution of an order of Buyer by Magic FX. Only the offer presented by Magic FX and/or the invoice issued by Magic FX for the execution of the order shall be deemed to correctly render the contents of the agreement.
2.3 If Magic FX does not make an offer, an agreement shall be established only with the written acceptance or execution of the order by Magic FX. Only the written acceptance of the order by Magic FX and/or the invoice issued by Magic FX for the execution of the order shall be deemed to correctly render the contents of the agreement.
2.4 Only those changes and/or amendments to the agreement by Buyer that Magic FX accepted in writing shall be valid.
2.5 Magic FX shall have the right to unilaterally amend the offer and the agreement, including the General Terms and Conditions, with immediate effect for marginal elements (such as indexed price changes).
2.6 If and to the extent that an agreement entered into by the Parties is a term agreement, the agreement shall be considered effective for the term stipulated by the Parties; in its absence for the term of one year. The term of the agreement shall be extended automatically by the initially stipulated period unless Buyer or Magic FX terminates the agreement in writing with 3 months‘ notice before the end of the respective period. An agreement entered into for a specific term cannot be terminated early. Magic FX shall never owe any indemnity for termination.
2.7 Buyer shall have the right to dissolve the agreement only if such has been agreed to in writing or if Buyer derives such right from mandatory applicable legislation.
2.8 Magic FX shall have the right to terminate the agreement unilaterally in whole or in part effective immediately and/or suspend the fulfilment of the obligations resulting from the agreement effective immediately in whole or in part, without prejudice to its right to damages, if one or more of the following events has taken place or takes place:
- non-fulfilment by (and attributable to) Buyer of one or more obligations under the agreement, including the General Terms and Conditions;
- Magic FX becomes aware of circumstances after conclusion of the agreement which give reason to fear that Buyer will not fulfil its obligations under the agreement;
- the filing of a request for a (provisional) suspension of payments by Buyer;
- the filing of a request for a declaration of bankruptcy by Buyer;
- incapacity to act on the part of Buyer;
- total loss of the power of disposition by Buyer;
- attachment under a warrant of execution by Magic FX against Buyer;
- decision leading to the dissolution and/or liquidation of Buyer;
- assignment of one or more shares in Buyer to entities other than the shareholder(s) when the agreement is established;
- whole or partial transfer of the business operated by Buyer to one or more third parties;
- Buyer has provided incorrect or incomplete information or has concealed circumstances, if these inaccuracies or concealments are such that Magic FX cannot be expected to continue the agreement without change.
Buyer shall be obligated to immediately notify Magic FX in writing if (one of) the events set forth in this Article occur(s). Magic FX shall never owe Buyer any compensation for the terminating the agreement or for not fulfilling obligations under this agreement due to events set forth in this Article.
2.9 Buyer shall have the right to dissolve the agreement regarding the supply of products at the latest 7 days after receiving the products and to return the products, but in such cases Buyer shall always owe 75% of the stipulated price, without prejudice to the right of Magic FX to seek additional damages. Buyer may not exercise the aforementioned right to dissolve if the products were manufactured according to Buyer’s specifications on the basis of an individual choice or decision of Buyer, and whether or not they were specifically intended for Buyer.
Article 3 – Price and payment
3.1 All prices and rates quoted by Magic FX shall exclude VAT, other levies imposed by the government and other monies owed to third parties, as well as other costs such as transport costs, transit costs, freight costs, import and export costs, storage costs and insurance, unless explicitly stipulated otherwise. Magic FX shall not be bound by prices and rates quoted in offers not made exclusively to Buyer. Third parties may not derive any rights from prices and rates quoted in offers made to Buyer.
3.2 Invoices issued by Magic FX shall be paid in euros in accordance with payment terms indicated on the invoice of Magic FX. If no payment terms are mentioned, the invoice shall be paid within 14 calendar days after the invoice date.
3.3 If Buyer does not pay the owed amounts by the indicated date, Buyer shall be immediately in default and shall owe the legal commercial interest on the outstanding amount. If Buyer does not pay the owed amount after the first reminder, Buyer shall owe Magic FX the amount for the actual expenses of legal assistance in and out of court (including any unsettled litigation costs) and court costs incurred by Magic FX; these expenses shall be determined to be at least 15% of the principal sum owed to Magic FX.
3.4 Magic FX shall have the right to apply any payments by Buyer (even if Buyer issued different instructions) first to the satisfaction of claims under the agreement and claims resulting from the non-fulfilment by Buyer of obligations under the agreement.
3.5 Buyer shall not have the right to suspend the payment obligations to Magic FX and/or offset them against obligations owed by Magic FX to Buyer. Buyer shall not have the right to dissolve the agreement in whole or in part if Magic FX is in default.
3.6 Buyer shall be obligated upon first request by Magic FX to provide (additional and/or new) collateral for the satisfaction of the claims of Magic FX under the agreement.
3.7 Magic FX always requires advance payment unless stipulated otherwise in writing.
Magic FX shall have the right to supply products against cash on delivery, against advance payment and/or payment by instalments and suspend the fulfilment of the obligations under the agreement until payment has been received. Magic FX shall have also the right to offset claims of Buyer – whether due or not – against any obligations of Magic FX against Buyer.
Article 4 – Reservation of title and retention rights
4.1 Title to all products supplied by Magic FX shall devolve to Buyer only if and after Buyer has satisfied all amounts it owes Magic FX by virtue of an agreement, on account of products supplied or still to be supplied or work performed or still to be performed by Buyer by virtue of such an agreement as well as on account of claims for non-fulfilment of such agreements in which, besides the supply of products, also the performance of certain work has been stipulated, among which monies owed by virtue of Article 3.3.
4.2 Until full payment is received, Buyer shall not be authorised to exercise
any rights that were delivered or granted under the conditions precedent set forth in this Article 4.1 and shall be obligated to inform all interested parties – among which the intended beneficiaries – of this lack of authority.
4.3 If Buyer makes, or contributes to making, a new product out of products supplied by Magic FX, Buyer shall make such products only for Magic FX and Buyer shall reserve the newly made products for Magic FX, and Magic FX shall remain the owner of the newly made products until Buyer has satisfied all amounts owed under the agreement.
4.4 The consequences under property law of the reservation of title to a product destined for export shall be governed by the laws of the country of destination if said laws contain provisions more favourable to Magic FX.
4.5 As long as Buyer has the products supplied under a reservation of title under its control, it shall be obligated to handle these products with due care at its own expense. Buyer shall also be obligated to insure, and maintain coverage of, the products in question with a solvent insurance company against such risks as indicated by Magic FX, such as fire, theft and other causes of loss and liability for losses in connection with these products under conditions and clauses and for the amounts requested by Magic FX. The policies and payment receipts for the premiums must be shown at any time to Magic FX upon first request. In case of claims or attachments of products delivered by third parties under reservation of title, Buyer shall be obligated to take all measures necessary for safeguarding the rights of Magic FX. If it so wishes, Magic FX may also take, or have other parties take, such measures and invoice Buyer for all costs incurred in the process.
4.6 Magic FX or an entity to be designated by it shall be given free access to the operations of Buyer at any time in order to repossess, if necessary, products shipped under reservation of title. Operations in this sense shall refer to all buildings and land, premises, cabinets, cellars, repositories and other places where the products are located, should be located or can reasonably be deemed to be located.
4.7 Magic FX shall have the right to suspend the fulfilment of an obligation or obligations for the surrender of a product or products to Buyer until all its claims have been satisfied.
Article 5 – Intellectual property rights
5.1 All intellectual property rights for all products produced, supplied and/or made accessible by virtue and/or within the framework of the agreement (among which explicitly the offer) (such as for example texts, drawings, analyses, reports, methods, models, material, technologies, inventions, computer software, databases and documentation), hereinafter referred to as: the „Products“ shall be owned exclusively by Magic FX and/or its licensor(s). Buyer may not disclose, reproduce and/or alter the Products and may not (in other ways) make itself out to be the creator and/or beneficiary thereof. Buyer may not make comments about intellectual property rights nor remove them from the Products or change them in any way.
5.2 The Products and the technologies, material, methods and/or information disclosed therein shall be deemed to contain strictly confidential information of Magic FX and/or its Licensor(s) and shall be covered by Article 8.1 (first sentence). Buyer may not remove or alter any references in and/or on the Products to the confidential nature of the information.
5.3 Magic FX shall have the right to take technical measures for the protection and/or safety of the Products. Buyer may not remove or circumvent technical measures for the protection and/or safety of the Products.
5.4 Any rights granted by Magic FX to Buyer with regard to the Products include only non-exclusive rights explicitly described in the agreement, which shall be forfeited with immediate effect in case of any use of the Products in conflict with the rights of Magic FX and/or its Licensor(s), this agreement, these General Terms and Conditions and/or applicable law. Buyer shall not acquire any intellectual property rights with this agreement. The rights granted by Magic FX shall not be amenable to assignment, shall be non-exclusive and may not be pledged as collateral or sub-licenced.
5.5 If and to the extent that Products whose intellectual property rights belong to entities other than Magic FX have been supplied to and/or can be accessed by Buyer, the terms used by the beneficiary or beneficiaries shall apply with regard to these Products instead of any deviating provisions in these General Terms and Conditions. Buyer accepts the terms and conditions of third parties set forth in this Article, which Buyer was able to gain knowledge of by asking Magic FX to supply them to Buyer.
5.6 Buyer shall indemnify Magic FX against all claims by third parties based on the argument that Magic FX violates intellectual property rights of third parties by using the Products supplied and/or mandated by Buyer, fulfil all obligations of Magic FX resulting from such claims as if they were its own obligations and compensate all losses suffered by Magic FX as a result of such claims.
Article 6 – Legal liability and damages
6.1 The legal liability and legal obligations of Magic FX to pay damages shall be limited by Articles 6.1 to 6.9. Articles 6.1 to 6.9 shall apply accordingly to any claims of Buyer based on any unlawful actions committed by Magic FX. The agents of Magic FX shall have the right to invoke Articles 6.1 to 6.9 against Buyer.
6.2 Magic FX shall be legally liable only for premeditation or gross negligence on the part of Magic FX and for actions attributable to Magic FX. Behaviour of (mandatory) agents and subordinated persons, the (incorrect) use of (unsuitable) (mandatory) tools, problems caused by the behaviour of other suppliers of Buyer, alterations to products other than by or on behalf of Magic FX, the use of products in conflict with the terms and conditions applicable to them, (user) instructions and (safety) regulations and/or the insufficient oversight thereof, the failure of Buyer to do proper maintenance, outside causes, power supply and disruptions shall in any event be actions not attributable to Magic FX. Magic FX shall not be liable under any circumstance for the (consequences of the) purchase of unsuitable products and the (incorrect) implementation of the recommendations made by Magic FX and of
any information not exclusively intended for Buyer.
6.3 A legal liability of Magic FX shall arise only after Buyer declares Magic FX immediately in default by way of a registered letter, but at the latest within 7 days after the delivery of the provided product or after the completion of the contracted work, or in case of the delivery of a concealed defect immediately, but at the latest within 7 days after observing the defect, and after giving Magic FX the opportunity to cure the defect within a reasonable grace period.
6.4 Any obligation on the part of Magic FX to pay damages shall be limited to direct losses up to the amount of the stipulated price, excluding VAT, and other levies imposed by the government, provided Buyer has paid said price. If the agreement is essentially a term agreement for a period of more than 1 year, the stipulated price shall be determined on the basis of the total amount of the price stipulated for 1 year, excluding VAT and other levies imposed by the government, insofar as Buyer has paid these. Under no circumstance shall the indemnity owed by Magic FX exceed the amount paid by Magic FX in connection with the mentioned obligation to pay damages under the liability insurance. Magic FX shall under no circumstance be obligated to compensate losses suffered by third parties resulting from, or related to, terrorism, malicious infection, fireworks and/or explosives, asbestos or asbestos-containing products. Moreover, Magic FX shall under no circumstance be obligated to indemnify intangible or indirect losses such as for example consequential damage, damage to the business, reputational damage, environmental damage and losses due to lost time, lost savings and/or a missed financial advantage. (Financial) losses shall include also losses caused by death or injury.
6.5 Buyer shall indemnify Magic FX against all claims, including any losses caused by the death or injury of third parties such as employees and other agents arising from and associated with products or services provided by Magic FX by virtue of and/or within the framework of the agreement. Among other things, Buyer shall indemnify Magic FX against all claims by third parties on the basis of any product liability for products supplied by Buyer to third parties which include products provided by Magic FX to Buyer unless the liability was exclusively triggered by the products supplied by Magic FX.
6.6 All claims of Buyer and/or third parties against Magic FX shall expire within 1 year after delivery of the supplied products, or 1 year after the completion of the contracted work.
6.7 Buyer shall indemnify Magic FX against any claims by employees and other agents arising from the non-fulfilment by Buyer of the obligations set forth in Article 7:658 Dutch Civil Code.
6.8 Buyer shall see to it that the data to be processed by Magic FX, the processing of the data and the result of such processing are not in conflict with applicable law such as, for example, the Personal Data Protection Act. Buyer shall indemnify Magic FX against all claims by third parties based on the argument that applicable laws, among which the Personal Data Protection Act, and rights derived therefrom have been violated with the data processed by Magic FX, the processing of data and/or the result of such processing.
6.9 If employees, (non-)subordinates and other agents deployed by Magic FX during the implementation of the agreement are held legally liable, such persons may invoke any limitation and/or dispensation of liability, among which on account of these General Terms and Conditions or of some other legal and/or contractual provision, which Magic FX is able to invoke.
Article 7 – Force majeure
7.1 If Magic FX is temporarily unable, due to force majeure, to implement the agreement, it shall have the right to suspend the implementation of the agreement in whole or in part as long as the force majeure persists. If Magic FX is permanently unable to implement the agreement due to force majeure, it shall have the right to terminate it in whole or in part with immediate effect. Force majeure shall include, for example, a defective performance on the part of (a subcontractor of) Magic FX and/or other agents, any defectiveness (mandated by Buyer) of the products, equipment, software, production problems, work stoppages and excessive absence of employees and/or other agents on sick leave, government measures, asbestos, terrorism, malicious infection, fireworks, explosives, transport problems and/or the elements.
7.2 If Magic FX is temporarily or permanently prevented by force majeure from implementing the agreement, Buyer cannot demand the implementation of the agreement, dissolution of the agreement and/or damages.
7.3 If Magic FX has already fulfilled part of its obligations at the time the force majeure occurs, or is only partially able to fulfil its obligations, it shall have the right to invoice the supplied and/or deliverable part separately and Buyer shall be obligated to pay such invoices as if they concerned a separate agreement.
Article 8 – Confidential information, non-compete clause and protection
8.1 Buyer shall see to it that third parties do not (are not able to) acquire knowledge of any information of a confidential nature provided by Magic FX – or of the information obtained from Magic FX and flowing from the implementation of the agreement – due to actions or omissions of third parties and/or employees and other agents. Information shall in any case be deemed confidential if Magic FX has declared it as such.
8.2 Buyer shall not hire any employees and/or other agents of Magic FX for the duration of the agreement and during one year after the expiration of the agreement without the consent of Magic FX, and shall refrain from any involvement in economic activities of employees and/or other agents of Magic FX who were involved in (supplying) the stipulated performance(s).
8.3 Buyer shall by operation of law be in default and owe Magic FX an immediately payable fine in the amount of EUR 100,000.00 for any violation of Articles 4.6, 8.1 and/or Article 8.2, and in the amount of EUR 5,000.00 for every day that the violation persists, notwithstanding the obligation of Buyer to stop and refrain from any violation, indemnify Magic FX for any losses resulting from a violation and report and surrender to Magic FX any advantages resulting from a violation.
8.4 Magic FX does not guarantee that the protection (of the information) will be effective under all circumstances but will make every effort to ensure that the protection is satisfactory at a level that is not unreasonable in view of the state of the technology and the associated costs. Magic FX may take technical measures against any unlawful use and/or against any use or for any purpose other than what was stipulated. Buyer shall be obligated to safeguard these protective measures and to not remove them or circumvent them or allow them to be removed or circumvented.
Article 9 – Delivery and acceptance of the products
9.1 Deadlines announced by Magic FX have been determined to the best of Magic FX’s knowledge on the basis of the information available when the agreement was established but are not an integral part of the agreement and shall be observed by Magic FX to the extent possible. Magic FX shall not be in default by merely missing a deadline and Buyer may not derive a right to dissolve the agreement in whole or in part nor claim damages based on the mere fact that Magic FX missed an announced deadline. Deadlines do not apply if they cannot be honoured because of circumstances beyond the control of Magic FX which occurred after the agreement was established. Deadlines shall become valid only when an agreement has been reached concerning all commercial and technical details and when all necessary information is in possession of Magic FX, the stipulated (term) payment has been received and the conditions necessary for the implementation of the agreement have been fulfilled.
9.2 Buyer shall be obligated to take delivery of the products within the stipulated deadlines. If no deadlines have been stipulated, Buyer shall be obligated to take delivery of the products upon the first request of Magic FX. Buyer shall be immediately in default in case of a violation of the obligations set forth for this purpose in this Article.
9.3 Products supplied by Magic FX to which Buyer has not objected in writing within seven days after delivery and/or implementation thereof shall be deemed to be in compliance with the agreement.
9.4 Buyer shall be obligated to inform Magic FX in good time of any regulations and standards applicable specifically to (the industry of) Buyer to be observed by Magic FX, and to provide all information necessary for the (implementation of the) agreement.
9.5 If Magic FX supplies products supplied by or purchased from third parties, the conditions for the products in addition to and applicable with priority to the agreement between Magic FX and Buyer (including these General Terms and Conditions) shall apply with respect to (the suitability of and guarantee for) such products.
9.6 If no other place of delivery has been stipulated, the products shall be delivered by Magic FX at the seat of the company Magic FX (ex works). Magic FX shall not be obligated to deliver the products to a location other than the stipulated location. Magic FX shall have the right to comply with delivery obligations in parts. Buyer shall contract proper insurance for the transport risk.
9.7 The transport and shipment of the products to be supplied to Buyer by Magic FX shall be for the account of Buyer at the prices quoted by Magic FX, unless explicitly stipulated otherwise in writing.
9.8 The cost of implementing the instructions and/or additions to the agreement requested by Buyer and accepted by Magic FX with the prior consent of Buyer shall be for the account of Buyer.
9.9 Notwithstanding Articles 4.1, 9.2 and 9.6, the products to be supplied by Magic FX shall be for the risk of Buyer as of the moment in which (an agent of) Buyer has the actual power of disposition over these products and/or as of the date on which Buyer is in default of taking delivery of the products to be supplied by Magic FX.
9.10 Magic FX shall not be obligated, without its prior written consent, to accept any products returned by Buyer to Magic FX. The acceptance of any products returned by Buyer shall not imply that Magic FX accepts the reason for their return. Buyer shall owe the stipulated amount until Magic FX credits Buyer for such products. If Magic FX does not accept returned products, Buyer shall be obligated to reimburse Magic FX for any costs incurred by Magic FX in connection with the returned products. If Buyer makes products available to Magic FX, Buyer shall be responsible for ensuring that such products satisfy the specifications necessary for executing the order.
9.11 (Spare)parts supplied by Magic FX are solely designed and meant for specific products of Magic FX. These (spare)parts are entitled for the sole use of reparation and/or replacement of specific products of Magic FX (and thus explicitly not for alternative purposes).
Article 10 – Warranty
10.1 In the absence of a written agreement to the contrary, Magic FX shall warrant the products sold and supplied by it for a period of three years. The warranty period shall begin with the invoice date shown on the first invoice concerning the stipulated products.
10.2 Any warranty stipulated between Magic FX and Buyer shall not have priority over the provisions in Articles 9.5 and 9.10.
10.3 Any guarantee obligation of Magic FX shall under no circumstance go further than the obligation to repair or – at the option of Magic FX – replace the stipulated products fully and within a reasonable period and to give Buyer a (partial) credit. A warranty agreed to by or with Magic FX shall not under any circumstance include the obligation to repair and/or replace the supplied products which have been damaged or destroyed as a result of – wear and tear through – normal use.
10.4 Any stipulated warranty obligation shall expire if:
- Buyer does not inform Magic FX in writing without delay but at the latest within seven days after detecting a defect in the supplied products, issuing at the same time the invoice for the sold and supplied products;
- Magic FX has not been given sufficient opportunity to remedy the defect and/or if third parties have already performed the repair or have at least made an attempt to do so;
- transfers, disposals, additions and/or modifications to the supplied products have not been carried out and/or implemented by Magic FX;
- a defect can be attributed to premeditation, deliberate negligence, the careless or irresponsible use by Buyer, including in any event – but not limited to:
– dirt or wear and tear for lack of or insufficient maintenance and/or cleaning;
– dirt or wear and tear as a result of exposure to the elements (such as rain, sunlight, (salt)water);
– damage caused by the products being dropped, pushed or thrown;
– Buyer has not (correctly) complied with the instructions and/or other (safety) rules or recommendations provided by Magic FX and/or Buyer has not exercised sufficient oversight to ensure compliance with the mentioned instructions and/or other (safety) rules or recommendations;
– the products sold by Magic FX have been exposed to abnormal physical or electronic stress;
- Buyer has not (correctly) complied with the instructions and/or other rules or recommendations provided by Magic FX;
- Buyer has used the products supplied by Magic FX for other purposes and/or used them irresponsibly;
- Buyer has not accepted the user training offer by Magic FX.
10.5 No warranty is provided on consumables (such as confetti, streamers, electric/handheld cannons and fluids), supplied products that were not new at the time of delivery and/or products requested by Buyer and/or delivered by Buyer.
10.6 The repair and/or replacement of products sold and supplied by Magic FX for any reason whatsoever shall not start a new warranty period.
10.7 If it is considered necessary to give Magic FX control over the products to be repaired and/or replaced, Buyer shall bear the risk of transport, loss, theft and/or damage to the products during the period that Magic FX has them under its control. The costs incurred for transport shall be for the account of Buyer.
10.8 Magic FX or an entity designated by it shall at all times have free access to the operations of Buyer within reason in order to repair and/or replace the products if necessary.
Article 11 – General provisions
11.1 Electronic declarations and/or statements shall also be considered declarations or statements in respect of which the agreement or these General Terms and Conditions require the written form.
11.2 Buyer may not assign any of its rights, obligations or claims against Magic FX (both under contractual and property law) unless Magic FX agrees to it in writing beforehand. Magic FX may assign any of its rights, obligations or claims against Buyer (both under contractual and property law). Buyer agrees now for then to such assignment.
11.3 All offers of and agreements with Magic FX shall be governed exclusively by Dutch law. The Treaty of the United Nations Concerning the International Sale of Goods of 11 April 1980 shall not apply to offers of and agreements with Magic FX.
11.4 The fully competent court in the East-Brabant district has jurisdiction and exclusive authority to hear any direct or indirect disputes resulting from the agreement.
11.5 If Magic FX uses a version of these General Terms and Conditions in a language other than the Dutch language, and if there are differences between the Dutch-language version and the version in another language, only the Dutch-language version is legally binding.